About the Fund
It all started when…
Friends and admirers of the late Senator Doug Finley come together once a year to celebrate his memory. In 2015, it was decided that this annual gathering between friends should be expanded to share his legacy of equality, inclusiveness, mentorship and loyalty with everyone in the conservative family and beyond.
With this the Senator Doug Finley Memorial Fund was established, centered around raising funds for a scholarship to help engage and train young conservative activists.
The Fund is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors and in 2018, Committees were established for both the planning and execution of the annual dinner and effective management of the Fund.
To date we have selected over 10 Doug Finley Scholars and sent them to the Leadership Institute’s Campaign Management School in Washington, D.C. – all through the funds raised through the Annual Doug Finley Dinner.
Senator Doug Finley Memorial Fund Board of Directors
Chair: John Walsh
Vice-Chair: Alison Matthews
Vice-Chair: Frank Parker
Treasurer: Mike Donison
Secretary: Chad Rogers
Honourary Chair: Hon. Diane Finley
Governance Committee
Chair: Mike Donison
Members: Alison Matthews, Hartley Lefton, John Walsh, Kara Johnson, Madi Murariu, Chris Reed, Georganne Burke and Mark Spiro
Dinner Program Committee
Chair: Alison Matthews
Members: Karly Wittet, James Rajotte, and Jasmine Igneski.
Communications and Marketing Committee
Chair: Michelle Eaton
Members: Alison Matthews, Ben Purkiss, Chris Rougier, Jasmine Igneski, Rebecca Thompson, Phil Trinh, Stephen McCreary, and Karly Wittet
Sponsorship & Sales Committee
Chair: Georganne Burke
Members: Candice Bergen, Steven Travale, Katarina Glozic, Paul Obeda, Aviva Polonsky, Michelle Eaton, Alison Matthews, Jason Tucker, Jeremy Wittet, Diane Finley, James Rajotte and Gary Clement
Scholarship: Committee
Chair: Frank Parker
Members: Andrew Balfour, Alison Matthews, Diane Finley, Karly Wittet, Mike Donison, Chris Reed, Kevin Lacey, John Williamson, and Lisa Raitt
As the Fund grows, we will be expanding our scholarships and programming for young activists.
If you wish to join the Fund as a committee member, please contact Alison Matthews.